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Polkadot Treasury Reporting Standards

Income Statement

  • Revenue
  • Expenses


  • Inflation
  • Slashes
  • Fees
  • Transfers


The categories described in this chapter have been developed over the last year through the creation of several budget reports. Via a discussion post on the Polkadot forum, the categories got refined. This page holds the latest version that will be used for future reports from us.

  1. Research: Protocol research, reports, and analytics, UX & DX, scam prevention, audits (security, QA)
  2. Development:
    • Software (and in the future possibly hardware) development that directly affects relay and system chains or can be used to use them: wallets, bridge, Substrate clients, light clients, multi-sig support, privacy, indexing, tools, protocol subsidies (common good chains), protocol & software incubation, SDKs (e.g. Web3-to-Web2 wrappers), smart contract tech, ZK,
    • Polkadot protocol (Fellowship payroll)
  3. Operations: software, hardware, and service costs incurred to operate…
    • the network: RPCs, archive nodes
    • auxiliary services: explorers, indexers
    • legal costs (foundations)
  4. Outreach (Marketing, BD, Community Development):
    • Marketing: media production, PR, advertising
    • Business development: consulting, solution architecture
    • Community development: conference hosting, conference attendance, local outreach, events, community building, ambassador program
  5. Talent & Education: education, hackathons, recruiting, talent incubation (e.g. PBA)
  6. Economy: Loans, Liquidity Incentives, Active Asset Swaps

Balance Sheet

Loans and Bounties

  • List of loans given out to protocols. Repayment plan. Risk statement. Link to referenda.
  • List of bounties. Current balance. Monthly outflow. Link to referenda.


  • Holdings of assets over different chains
  • Holdings of different assets (DOT, USDT, USDC, etc)

Segment Reporting

Spending for

  • Core protocol
  • OpenGov
  • UX
  • DevEx

Latest Update: 2024-06-06