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Proposals: Decision Phase

Submit proposal on-chain

  • There are multiple ways to submit your proposal on chain. The easiest way would be using Polkassembly UI for non-technical users.
  • You will need to place a decision deposit in order for your proposal to be enacted. The size of the decision deposit is dependent on the track. Check the tracks chapter on this page for details. Proposals without decision deposits will time out on OpenGov.
  • Continue staying engaged in discussions and campaigning during the whole decision phase.
  • Suggestion: Publish your proposal as permanent PDF document that cant be changed. You can use Crust Files to keep your documents on IPFS.

Before Submission

  • Do a last pass over your proposal and check if the introductory parts make sense for someone completely new to the project.
  • Make a last check on the discussion channels to make sure there are no open questions before submitting the proposal.

Proposal Tracks

Network participants can request DOTs from the Polkadot Treasury via multiple treasury tracks that are logically split into tippers and spenders. You can learn more about tracks in the Polkadot Wiki: Polkadot OpenGov Origins


Tipper tracks have short timeframes for decision and confirmation periods, small deposits to be put by the proposers, and small spending limits. Tippers are a good start to getting familiar with the treasury, asking for retroactive funding for contributions to the Polkadot ecosystem, and building up a reputation in the network.

  • Small Tipper can spend up to 250 DOT.
  • Big Tipper can spend up to 1,000 DOT.


Spender tracks are for bigger asks, they can be utilized for various purposes such as recurrent services to the network, development of new features, big events, and long-term campaigns. Starting your OpenGov journey with a spender could be challenging as the network participants are more conservative and cautious with bigger asks.

  • Small Spender can spend up to 10,000 DOT.
  • Medium Spender can spend up to 100,000 DOT.
  • Big Spender can spend up to 1,000,000 DOT.
  • Treasurer can spend up to 10,000,000 DOT.
OriginSpending LimitsDecision DepositDecision PeriodConfirm Period
Small Tipper250 DOT1 DOT7 Days10 Minutes
Big Tipper1,000 DOT10 DOT7 Days1 Hour
Small Spender10,000 DOT100 DOT28 Days2 Days
Medium Spender100,000 DOT200 DOT28 Days4 Days
Big Spender1,000,000 DOT400 DOT28 Days7 Days
Treasurer10,000,000 DOT1000 DOT28 Days7 Days

Be advised: Network participants can issue cancellers and killers if they think your proposal is harming the network. Although the concept of 'harm' is more relevant for tracks that deal with the main codebase of the network, users might also consider treasury proposals harmful if, for example, the proposer spams the referendum.

  • Referendum Canceller can cancel ongoing or upcoming referenda.
  • Referendum Killer can cancel an ongoing referenda and also slash the deposits.