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OpenGov.Watch - 2024 May Performance Summary

· 3 min read
Alice und Bob

After delivering a first draft of the Polkadot 2.0 Strategy (a curated summary of many different voices in the ecosystem) in April, May was the first month where we started to put parts of the strategy into action. We focused on two key areas: User Experience and Accountability.

  1. UX: We started our first Governance Initiative around User Experience. We refer to “Governance Initiatives” as focused projects where we create more transparency around an ecosystem area and push for better solutions. For this first initiative, we gathered information on what is done to improve UX in the ecosystem. It turned out, that not much is happening yet. To change this, we helped the Braille team set up a bounty proposal. We consulted them through several calls and provided feedback for their process of grooming a UX backlog and regularly calling ecosystem agents to get solutions on the way. We supported them with public exposure by hosting a dedicated Twitter space and worked to raise awareness via several channels. There is lots to do in the UX space and we hope to be able to help the Braille team make the UX bounty a reality
  2. Accountability in OpenGov is a big topic and for many, but it is unclear if and how we can move this topic forward. As a first step, we developed the Basic Accountability Checklist. We intend to advertise it with the next cohort of DVs and see if we can establish a standard of what levels of transparency and accountability are being enforced through DV in big-ticket proposals. We are currently in talks with other agents in preparation for a potential audit bounty, that could be following up on big-ticket proposals after they get accepted and in general ensure that better accountability is created for proposers.

Looking forward, June will be a budget month for us and we will analyze the spending behavior of the treasury and for the first time create a balance sheet of the Polkadot Treasury. As a base, we will use our newly developed Polkadot Treasury Reporting Standards.

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