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Welcome to OpenGov.Watch

Polkadot is the biggest DAO in the world. We help OpenGov grow up and develop structures and culture. We monitor ongoing developments, publish reports, consult OpenGov participants and provide thought leadership through curating a community-developed strategy for ecosystem development.

The OpenGov Portal is your gateway to understand all the current efforts in OpenGov.

Useful links:

  • To learn what Polkadot OpenGov is, read the Introduction to OpenGov in the Polkadot Wiki first.
  • Our Guides section section has useful explainers around OpenGov.
  • Visit the Reports section to learn about the latest development in OpenGov and the Treasury
  • To get in-depth reports about the progress of the technical fellowship and a roadmap for Polkadot 2.0, check out the Technical Fellowship section.
  • Do you need help and can't find the answers? Book a call
  • We have written a Manifesto to explain our philosophy: Web3 is a promise. OpenGov is the way.
  • We provide a Google Calendar for all relevant OpenGov events: Link